Hydrofoils |
Presentation at The Foiling Week on A-Class Catamaran boards.
See Day 2 streaming video to watch the presentation. |
Design of three families of sections for shunting
proas. These sections have fore-aft symmetry and rounded edges.
Complete coordinates and XFOIL computed data are presented. |
Design approaches and typical results for hydrofoils which must operate at low Reynolds numbers (small chord lengths and low speeds), as well as avoid cavitation at high speed. |
Chapter 1 Cavitation Inception on Foils, Struts and Pods Chapter 2 Choice of Foil System for Optimal Performance Chapter 3 Ventilation Inception of Surface Piercing and Submerged Foils and Struts Chapter 4 Trim, Altitude and Pre-Takeoff Resistance of Hydrofoil Craft |
Hydrodynamics of Hydrofoil Craft Technical Report 463-1 This is the most comprehensive reference on hydrofoil design I've found. It presents the engineering relationships and typical results for all aspects of hydrofoil design, covering both fully submerged and surface piercing foils. These PDF files are no longer available online. They can be found on the AMV CD-ROM #1 from the
International Hydrofoil Society. |
A simple analysis of hydrofoil performance and comparison with test data. Included are comparisons with Alexander Graham Bell's HD-4 full scale test data and Hanno Smits' tow tank data. The approximate analysis is also applied to fully submerged T foils and surface-piercing V foils and ladder foils. The lessons learned are: I am deeply indebted to Hanno Smits and to the Bell estate for their
generous permission to use their data in my analysis. |
Comments and questions? Contact me@tspeer.com |